I'm Done With It


I'm done with it.

I'm done with dog-whistles, white-power, white-privilege, rolling-coal, and all the rest of it.

I'm done with Republitards, Trumptards, Libertaritards, and Conservatards.

I'm done with people hiding their agenda of grabbing power and exercising it for their sole benefit, hidden behind the banners of religion, freedom, free-expression, and all the rest of the lies they use.

I'm done with nasty vermin wrapping themselves in the American Flag, acting like it was somehow theirs and not mine.

Well here's news you evil fucks, that flag belongs to me too, and I despise what you're attempting to do with it, plastering it all over all of your Neanderthal garbage, and wrapping yourselves tightly within it.

Don't be doing that. Don't be wrapping that goddamned flag around yourselves you sonofabitch motherfuckers.

You're getting it coated in the disease-laden filth that comes off of your disgusting skin.

When you wrap yourself in my flag, you degrade it. Knock it off with degrading my flag, assholes.

I'm done with "In God We Trust" on the coinage. Put fucking LIBERTY back on the coinage. And while you're there, put E Plurbus Unum back on the coinage, too.

I do not trust your god. He's had his chance, and he fucked it all up, fronted by a poisonous rabble of selfish idiots waving confederate flags, and some damn thing with a snake on it, and some other damn thing with a blue line on it that, when you peel it back, reveals the red, white, and black of the Nazi flag, complete with a goddamned swastika in the middle of it.

I'm done with voter suppression.

I'm done with police killing black people for the crime of laying in bed when they come storming in through the front door they just broke down, unannounced, and I'm equally done with cops holding white people by the hand and helping them exit the premises after they've just finished looting the Capitol Building.

I'm done with gerrymandering.

I'm done with shareholder value.

I'm done with my own government being owned by corporations.

I'm done with a lack of vision so crippled that it cannot see past its own wallet. Cannot see past the end of the next quarterly earnings statement.

This is not vision, this is greed. Plain and simple. Institutionalized greed. Period.

I'm done with the news. All of it in general, and the State Propaganda promulgated by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, in particular. Get it the fuck out of here. All it's for is to make Rupert more money by selling more ads, and the more outlandish the lies they promote, the more that great swarms of people who can NOT be assed to actually do some of their own research (and no, fucking Youtube is NOT research, so forget that bullshit) will become frightened, and the more they become frightened, the more they have to come back to the news to see what they're supposed to think next, and the more they come back to find out what they're supposed to think next, the more ADS they'll be shown, and the more money old Rupert and his whole organization will make, and maybe that's ok for Rupert, but it sure the fuck isn't ok for ME, and it's time to just get rid of ALL of it.

I'm done with Facebook. And I'm done with Instagram. They're both the same thing anyway. And Snapchat, and all the rest of it where conspiracy fucks scream and shout at everybody, warning them about EVERYthing… EXCEPT what's actually gonna come get 'em some day, and of course what's gonna come get 'em some day is institutionalized non-education, mis-education, and mal-education, all of which is what all that social bullshit media is really for, and maybe go back and look at what you just read about the fucked-up news, if you've forgotten WHY they're doing it.

I'm sick of the Disney Corporation. All corporations in general, but the massive Entertainment Industry corporations in particular. They want you stupid. They want your life to be an unending grind of misery and poverty, but not quite enough poverty to keep you from being able to make purchases of Their Movies. Their Games. Their Music. Their Television. Their Theme Park Passes. Their Cruise Ship Rides To Nowhere. Their anyofit.

Give them bread and circuses, and go easy on the bread, ok? We don't want 'em getting healthy enough to properly rise up against us, right?

I'm sick of uneducated fuckwits. I'm sick of smelly backwoods rednecks and slicked-down tv-preachers waving bibles at me, telling my women what and what not they may be permitted to do with their own bodies. They claim to be pro-life, but ok, if you're pro-life, what about all those people who've already been born? What about the people dying because they cannot afford medical care? What about the people forced into a life of servitude because you denied them a proper public education with a proper grounding in critical reasoning, mathematics, science, history, English and communication skills, basic social-functioning skills like knowing how money works, and does not work, and how the great life-support net that is all the people of the world who in any way, to any degree, no matter how far removed, have any effect on your food, clothing, shelter, health, and well-being, and how it all has to work together as a great unified whole. What about all the people forced to work in places where poisons are leached into their bodies every single day? What about the whole fucking planet, where the oceans are rising, and whole cities and whole nations will soon be going under, and killing heatwaves and insane weather become the norm instead of the exception. Pro life? Fuck you motherfuckers. You've NEVER been pro life. You're pro DEATH. As long as it's somebody else dying, you guys are perfectly happy to help things along. Your whole agenda is one of theocratic coercion and control, hiding behind a billboard with a picture of a fetus on it. Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. Here.

I'm done with people who can't be team players. Democracy is a team sport. The WILL OF THE PEOPLE is a team sport. And when the PEOPLE say, "I'm done with it," well then, they're DONE with it, and it's time for you worthless fucks to get out of the way, and if you don't get out of the way, well then by god, you want a fight, and we'll bring you a fight, and we'll kick your sorry asses out of the way and let that be that. You have only yourselves to blame in this one.

Put down the dog-whistle. Put down the confederate flag. Get that giant fucking stupid lifted truck the hell out of here, too. Take your moral outrage and your Karen Haircut with you when you go.

The PEOPLE have spoken.

GTFO assholes.


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